March 2, 2023
Mate Karolyi

The Top 10 Must-have eCommerce Website Features for Your Custom Website Design

So, you've decided to venture into the world of e-commerce and create a custom website design for your business. Congratulations! You're about to embark on an exciting journey filled with new customers, sales, and endless possibilities. But before you start brainstorming color schemes and font choices, there are a few crucial e-commerce features you need to consider. In this article, we'll explore the top 10 must-have eCommerce website features. From user-friendly navigation to secure payment options, we'll cover all the essentials. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and let's get started.

Easy Navigation

Easy navigation is one of the essential features of an eCommerce site. Your website should be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Customers should be able to find what they're looking for quickly and easily. Some features to consider include:

  • Clear and concise menu items
  • Search bar
  • Breadcrumb navigation
  • Product categories

Responsive Design for a User-friendly Mobile Experience

A correctly developed eCommerce website design should also include responsive design. It means that your website should be optimized for mobile devices as well as desktops. Shoppers should be able to access your site on any device and have a seamless user experience. Some features to consider include:

  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Fast load times
  • Simple layout

High-Quality Images

The next on our list of online shop essentials are high-quality images. Your products should be showcased on the product pages with clear, high-resolution images. Potential customers should be able to see what they're buying and get a sense of its quality. Some features to consider include:

  • Zoom feature
  • Multiple images per product
  • High-quality product images

User Reviews

Among the must-have features, we should definitely mention user reviews. Website visitors are more likely to trust other customers than they are to trust a brand. Allow customers and even encourage them to leave reviews and showcase them on your e-commerce website. Some features to consider include:

  • Star ratings
  • Written reviews
  • Sort by rating or date

Secure Payment Options at the Checkout

An obvious feature that customers want in an eCommerce online business is secure payment. Customers need to trust that their information is safe when they make a purchase. Some features to consider include:

  • SSL certificate
  • Payment gateways (PayPal, Stripe, etc.)
  • Encryption technology

Abandoned Cart Recovery

Abandoned cart recovery is also among the top 10 best practices in 2023 for an eCommerce business. Customers often abandon their carts before completing a purchase. Remind them of their abandoned items and encourage them to complete their purchase. Some features to consider include:

  • Automated email reminders
  • Discount codes
  • Incentives for completing a purchase

Customer Service for the Best Shopping Experience

The next one on our list of the top 10 must-have eCommerce website features is customer service. Customers need to feel like they can reach out to your business if they have questions or concerns. Some features to consider include:

  • Contact page
  • Live chat
  • FAQ section
  • Easy returns process

Social Media Integration

Why your website must have social media integration? You can't seriously ask that question in 2023. Maybe you don't spend half of your day on social media but the other half of the developed world does. Which means that your customers should be able to easily share your products on social media and follow your brand on various platforms. Some features to consider include:

  • "Customers also bought" section
  • "Frequently bought together" section
  • Related products section

Analytics and Reporting - The Soul of an eCommerce Platform

Consider adding the functions of analytics and reporting when building an eCommerce website. You need to track your website's performance and make data-driven decisions. Some features to consider include:

  • Google Analytics integration
  • Sales reports
  • Traffic reports


What if I don't have any social media accounts for my business?

It's never too late to start! Social media can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website and engaging with your customers. Create accounts on the platforms that are most relevant to your business and start posting!

Can I use free website builders instead of a custom website design?

While free website builders can be a good option for some businesses, they often lack the customization and features that a unique website design can offer. If you want to stand out in the crowded e-commerce space, a custom UI/UX design is worth the investment.

Do I need to hire a professional designer to create my e-commerce design?

While a professional designer can certainly help you create a beautiful and functional website, it's not always necessary. There are plenty of website builders and e-commerce platforms that offer templates and customization options that you can do yourself.

Conclusion: Keep an Eye on the Essential eCommerce Website Features and Your Sales Will Go Through the Roof

In conclusion, the features that we listed above are crucial for creating a successful online store in 2023. From easy navigation to secure payment options, these features will help you attract and retain customers. So, take the time to consider which features are most important for your business and make sure they're included in your unique website design. Happy selling!

About the author

Mate Karolyi

I'm Mate Karolyi, the founder and CEO of TRAVLRD. My days are largely filled with strategic business development and sales tasks, as well as project management. Alongside my passion for the startup world, I have a love for award-winning web design, which is why I also serve as a jury member for the Top Design King Award. In my free time, I enjoy playing chess, playing guitar, or windsurfing.

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